
The important of this site contains most of the use of our local medicines plants and herbs. The effective use of Philippine medicines plants that can be found everywhere in our country. Actualy big companies have already manufactured many medicinesl plants like ampalaya, lagundi, banaba, mangosteen as an effective herbal treatments. For example, the ampalaya or bitter melon is processed as tea or capsules to treat certain kind of diabete, The mangosteen provides powerful support for every organ system in the human body. This fact is being confirmed on a daily basis by clinical experience. I am convinced that Mangosteen will, without a doubt, be the most successful food supplement ever. Since it was introduced in the market, it became popular. The lagundi leaves became popular also treating cough.

Many local medicinal plants were already in the market processed mostly as tea or other kind of beverage for convenience. No need to search for them in the bushes or wet market then wash, chop, grind and boil. There are also some herbal ointments that can be substituted to making poultice, a tedious task. So I hope all the contents in this sites are very helpful to you, please visit often.