Best Ways to Take Care of a Potted Herb Garden

Most herb plants stay small and compact, making them the perfect choice for a small container garden. You can grow the herbs indoors or outdoors depending on the season and needs of the plant. Most potted herb varieties thrive outdoors in summer in all climates.

Containers and Soil

Most herb varieties require good soil drainage and they won't grow in dry or overly wet soils. Using pots that have a bottom drainage hole allows the excess moisture to drain away. A well-drained pot combined with a peat-based potting soil further ensures proper soil drainage and moisture retention. Avoid heavy soils or regular garden soil since these tend to compact in the confines of a pot.


The sun and temperature requirements of the specific herb determines the best location. Most herbs can grow inside in a sunny windowsill, although the sun-loving varieties may not produce foliage as lush as they would outdoors. The majority of herbs grown for foliage tolerate some shade, especially in the afternoon. Too much direct sunlight or heat can shorten the productive life of cool season herbs like cilantro.

Water Needs

Containers dry out more quickly than garden beds, especially when the herbs are set outside where sun and wind speed drying. Most indoor pots require watering every two to three days, or when the top inch of soil feels dry. Outdoor pots may require irrigation as often as once a day, or even up to twice a day during extremely warm weather.


Herbs generally require minimal fertilization. Too much fertilizer can result in a poor flavor, even if the plants produce more foliage. Like most care requirements fertilizer needs also vary depending on the plant. A dilute application of a balanced, soluble fertilizer, as low as a fourth of the package recommended rate, every three weeks during the productive phase of growth ensures the plant has enough nutrients to thrive.

Pruning and Harvesting

Foliage herbs tend to produce more when you prune and harvest from the plants often. Pruning also prevents the plants from outgrowing their pots. You can cut the foliage from a mature herb plant at any time until it begins to flower, by either removing individual stems or pruning back the entire plant by half its height.

Herb Care Guide

Starting Herb Seeds Indoors

Some herbs such as basil, chives, parsley, and dill grow easily from seed. Other simple-to-start varieties include angelica, borage, chamomile, chervil, cilantro, coriander, fennel, lemon balm, marjoram, sage, stevia, thyme, and winter savory. If you start herbs from seeds, follow the planting instructions on the seed packet. The basics are the same whether you start seeds indoors to get a jump on the growing season or plant them directly in the ground.
Learn more about starting herbs from seed.

When to Plant Herb Seeds Outdoors

The best time to plant an herb depends on its cold tolerance and the average last frost date in your area. Sow hardy perennial herb seeds outdoors several weeks before your average last frost date. However, most tender, annual herbs germinate better in warm soil -- so wait until after the average last frost date to plant them.
Find your area's average last frost date.

Transplanting Herbs

Plant container-grown herbs in the garden after danger of frost has passed. Dig a hole at least twice as wide as but no deeper than the pot in which the herb is growing. Slide the herb out of its nursery pot. Loosen or slice through any circling roots, then place the root ball into the hole and just barely cover it with soil. Water the root zone well after planting.
Ready to grow more edibles? Check out our guide to vegetable gardening.


Most herbs grow best in well-drained soil and develop their most intense flavor if kept on the dry side. Their water needs depend on soil type, weather conditions, and type of herbs. For example, you'll need to water plants growing in sandy soils more frequently than those in clay. Keep in mind that plants use more water during hot, windy conditions with low humidity than when the weather is cool, humid, and cloudy.
When watering, apply enough water to moisten the root zone at least 6 inches deep. Soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems are efficient ways to apply water: They avoid wasting water by applying it just to the root zone of the plants and prevent disease by keeping the foliage dry.
Fruit is a great home garden addition too. Find out how to grow it with our guide.


Herbs that receive high levels of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, produce inferior growth with little flavor or fragrance. For that reason, avoid overfertilizing your herbs. Organic fertilizers, which decompose slowly, and controlled-release manufactured fertilizers are less likely to provide an excess of nutrients at one time. Follow soil test recommendations or label directions to know how much fertilizer to apply.
Test Garden Tip: Never use fresh manure in your herb garden. Compost it first to eliminate the possibility of spreading harmful bacteria onto your herbs.


The most flavorful and succulent part of herbs is the tender new growth. Keep your herb plants lush and bushy by regularly pinching 2-3 inches off the stem tips. This encourages branching and new growth. If you desire more leaves, pinch off any flowers that form. Stop pinching or pruning woody herbs at least eight weeks before the first frost of fall to give the new growth time to harden off before winter.
Find your average first fall frost date here.

Spring Pruning

Prune and clean up dead stems of last year's growth on plants such as lemon balm, mint, artemisia, and tansy, if you didn't cut them back in autumn. Some perennial herbs become woody or lanky after several years in the garden. In spring, prune them back by one-third or to within 4 inches of the ground before new growth begins. This encourages a bushy, more compact form.

Dividing Herbs

Some perennial herbs such as chives form clumps; others such as thyme spread by runners. Both spreading- and clumping-type herbs can be dug and divided in early spring to make new plants.
For details see our story on dividing herbs.

Taking Cuttings

Propagate woody herbs such as rosemary from stem cuttings. Less woody herbs such as mint, oregano, thyme, and basil will also root easily from cuttings.
Learn how to propagate herbs.

Layering Herbs

Stems of some herbs form roots where they come into contact with the ground. You can help the process along by layering the stems. Bend a flexible stem to the soil, nick the base of it, apply rooting hormone, pin it to the soil, keep moist, and wait several months for roots to form.
Learn more about layering herbs.


Prevent weeds from growing in your herbs by using mulch. Organic mulches such as wood chips, cocoa bean shells, or pine needles are good to use. Apply a layer of mulch 2-4 inches deep, but keep it away from the crown of the herb plant. Mulch smothers weeds, prevents most weed seeds from germinating, and those that do grow are easier to pull. In addition, mulch conserves moisture, so you'll need to water less frequently.